Having my son there are things that I have figured out on my own and wouldn't have minded hearing about before he was here. Like the practical things....
-On Clothing for Baby
1. Carters brand runs SO small! I wouldn't invest in Carters (unless it's on sale) Lincoln is 11 weeks and is already to big for his 3 month jammies and he isn't super long either. They have the cutest clothes and don't get me wrong we have bought them for Lincoln, we just haven't invested a ton. They also only go by Newborn, 3 month, 6 month.....so he doesn't fit into the 3 month any more but is too small for 6 month.
2. Cat and Jack at Target is great! The sizes are great they have Newborn, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9..... there are more options for sizing AND they are always a great price (Old Navy too). If you have the Target Cartwheel app you can save even more.
3. People kept telling me that Lincoln won't wear all the clothes that he gets, that hasn't been the case for us (maybe if we had a girl it would be different) Lincoln has been able to wear most all of his clothes before he grew out of them.
4.Before baby is born I would invest in some plain white onsies, the snap by the crotch ones AND the kimono ones as well. Kimono onsies are wonderful for the first few weeks when their belly button hasn't come off yet. Also invest in some nightgown jammies, these are great for late night diaper changing and they are pretty darn cute and you don’t have to get them completely undressed for a diaper change.
-On Clothing for Mommy
1. Before baby comes be sure and get some nursing tank tops and bras. You will not want to have to go out and get these after baby comes.
2. Get some granny panties....dark colored ones....and pads....trust me. (the hospital will send you with some, but it's nice to have them and not have to send the husband to do it)
3. Invest in some flowy tops, your tummy will still be big for a while and the LAST thing you want to wear is your maternity tops.
-On things at home
1. WIPE WARMER!!!!! It seems so so silly but it has been the best thing for the late night diaper changing, the last thing you want is to wake your baby up with a cold wet wipe.
2. Gripe water, babies hiccup a lot! I just wish I would have got some before baby came so I didn't have to go out and get it.
3. Saline, babies noses get super dry and easily congested this helps so much. For the first few weeks a humidifier in their room is good too. They’ve been in a moist environment for 9 months and still need a little moisture.
4. It's funny but Target Up and Up brand wipes are awesome and cheap. Pampers wipes are great just more expensive and Huggies.... RIP seriously... you try and grab one and little pieces tear off. Also Kirkland wipes are great too and you get a lot for not a ton of $$.
5. Gas drops, I use these all the time.
6. Frida Baby brand has so many wonderful helpful things for you and baby. The Windi literally saved us with Eleanor and her gassy-ness. The first time we used it her whole body relaxed and we were sold! It’s a little gross but worth it. Their nail clippers are wonderful as well.
Some of my favorite apps and websites to follow for help are
Wonder weeks app. It’s helpful in tracking what their brains are doing and maybe why they are so angry :)
Nursing app. You will literally never remember what side you nursed on last. This helps you keep track of sides and length of time.
Lucie’s List online. They will send you weekly helpful information. They also have resources on the best tested baby gear. I learned a lot from them!
Save in the seat on Instagram- I found this page after my kids we a bit older but it helped fix problems I didn’t know about with their car seats.
Taking Cara Babies- she is wonderful for sleep training and it works!!!! We did this with Eleanor and for Lincoln we read 12 hours sleep by 12 weeks old and that worked for him.
I could write lots more but this is already overwhelming.
Even if you have nothing ready by the time your little one comes IT'S OK they don't need much in the beginning. Except you do need a carseat, they won't let you leave without having one installed ;)
It's one of the best things that has ever happened to my husband and I, we wouldn't change having Lincoln in our life for the world. It also one the the hardest things for us. Prepare your marriage for the change. Your husband/partner will not know what to do to help if you don’t ask. You will have so many emotions rushing through you and you will just cry for no reason. You will both figure it out but it can be really hard when it’s not just the two of you any more.
If you have been hired at any job in your life, you have a training period, where you get to learn and your boss has some grace on you because you just don't know yet...well being a mommy takes time to figure out as well. Give yourself some grace.
It's a tough job, but YOU GOT THIS!
Also ASK! Ask your mommy friends, put it out there on Facebook/Instagram if you have questions. It's so nice to hear how other people have done something for the problem your having. You are joining a new group and its an awesome one to be in! And if someone offers to help TAKE IT!!